Nominating Committee and Leadership Opportunities

What Did Jesus Say about Leadership?

Jesus taught his disciples not to emulate the Gentile rulers who exercised authority over them. Instead, He taught that in order for us to be leaders, we must become servants first.

At First Pres we have two groups of servant-leaders:  Deacons and Elders.  The members of these groups are living examples of turning faith into action and hearing into doing.

With the arrival of our new senior pastor, David Prentice-Hyers, we all have a wonderful opportunity to engage, serve, and fully embrace the energy and excitement of this new chapter in the life of First Pres.

Deacons are the caregivers of the congregation, serving in this role is both a privilege and a blessing. It is also an opportunity for spiritual growth and fellowship. As a deacon, you also will get to know other church members in a deeper way by serving alongside them.

Our Elders lead the on going activities and functions of the church through the Session, our governing body.

The Session is made up of dedicated church members who have been elected and ordained into this leadership role.  The Presbyterian Church takes its name from the New Testament Greek word for elder, presbuteros. These faithful individuals reap the rewards of being involved in the life affirming work and decision-making for the benefit of our congregation.

If you have more questions, please contact Bill McPherson at

The Congregational Nominating Committee

The Congregational Nominating Committee is an elected body that performs the search and selection of church officers for election by the congregation. This committee also selects special search committees such as a Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC) or Associate Pastor Nominating Committee (APNC).  It is chaired by an elder and comprises an elder and deacon representative and six members elected from the congregation.

When Does the Committee Meet?

The committee typically begins meeting in February or March and may meet bi-weekly or even weekly in April or May when most of the committee's work is done. Usually the slate is complete before summer but sometimes the committee may have to convene to select candidates to fill vacancies that occur later in the year (if an officer has to resign for some reason).

Candidates / Members

Candidates should be people who are actively involved in a variety of church ministries and represent as wide and balanced a cross section of the church population as possible. In short, they should be active members who know a lot of people.

The members of the congregational nominating committee must be able to exercise good judgment and discernment of people's talents in making decisions on who to call to which offices, and also must act with discretion when dealing with issues relating to why certain people are called and others are not.

It is desirable to have members who have served as elders or deacons, but that is not a prerequisite. In some cases members must act as a recruiter, so the ability to communicate clearly and persuasively are very helpful.

Some (but not all) members may be asked to make announcements at church services.

While most calls are made either in person or over the phone, it is highly desirable for all members to be able to communicate via email.