Immature Ministries (40s & 50s) Chili Cookoff

Join us for the 2017 Immature Ministries (40s and 50s) "Come in from the Chill" Chili-Cookoff to be held at the Kershaw home at 6:30 p.m. on Friday, February 3. Bring your favorite pot of chili or a dessert to be voted upon, or bring something else to share. We have a wide ranging age group - if you are just older, or just younger, but think you would like to come, please do! Sign up so we know you can join us, by emailing Rev.

How Can We Flourish on $2 a Day?

Participate in a First Pres Conversation with Markel Lewis, Food Gatherer’s Director of Food Programs, as we explore the connections between human flourishing, good, healthy food and the steep challenge of living on almost nothing in America today. Join the conversation on January 22 at 11:00 a.m. and connect to the award-winning book, "$2 a Day: Living on Almost Nothing in America" by Kathryn Edin and Luke Shaefer.

Christmas Cookie Exchange

On Sunday, December 10, bring a couple of dozen homemade cookies to the Social Hall before 9:30 a.m. worship. Then, come to the Coffee Hour at 10:30 a.m., where volunteers will help you fill take-home containers with the homemade goodies from other bakers! If you bring gluten-free cookies, please label them.

Mature Ministries in Motion: Ziibiwing Center

Bring your spirit of adventure and join Mature Ministries on a visit to the Ziibiwing Center, a museum of Saginaw-Chippewa Indian lifeways and culture located near Mt. Pleasant on Thursday, October 27. Modern day tribal guides tell stories of Indian life and culture in their own words and from their own lived perspective. Be prepared to have your current understanding of North America’s first residents challenged! A one-hour walking tour of the collections will be followed by a short workshop where we will handle and learn about original tribal artifacts.

Organ Improvisation Competition

First Pres is hosting the University of Michigan’s Organ Improvisation Competition in our Sanctuary Saturday, September 29 at 4:00 p.m. Three finalists from around the country will compete; they are given two musical themes on which they improvise for 20 minutes. The three judges rank their playing and award the prizes accordingly. Please join us. There is no admission fee.


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